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Knights of Malta ArmorialThe Order of Malta in Poland

Sources for the history of the Order of Malta and the
Knights of Saint John in Poland

Order of Malta and Poland through the AgesJ. Sendligen de Rozan Zbiór krótki wiadomosci potrzebnych dla wygody y pozytku przezacnych Familii Król. Polsk. y. W. X. Lit., Warszawa 1755 [Short Compendium of Information Required for Pleasure and Use of Most Honourable Families of the Kingdom of Poland and the Grand Duchy of Lithuania.]
A. Krzyzanowski  Zarys dziejów Zakonu Maltanskiego w Polsce, K. W. Wójcicki Album Warszawskie, Warszawa 1845. [Historical Survey of the Order of Malta in Poland.]
J. Zawierkowski (?) Podrecznik Zwiazku Polskich Kawalerów Maltanskich, Poznan 1930. [Manual of the Polish Association of the Knights of Malta.]
P. Czerwinski Zakon Maltanski i stosunki jego z Polska na przestrzeni dziejów, London 1962. [Order of Malta and Poland through the ages.]
E. Potkowski Rycerze w habitach, Warszawa 1974. [Knights in habits.]

Sources for this review

In presenting the above information I have relied mainly on the following sources:

A very interesting book by T. W. Lange Szpitalnicy, joanici, kawalerowie maltanscy, Poznan 1994 [Hospitallers, Knights of Saint John, Knights of Malta].
An excellent source of detailed information about the Polish Knights of Saint John is P. Czerwinski Zakon Maltanski i stosunki jego z Polska na przestrzeni dziejów, Londyn 1962 [Order of Malta and Poland through the ages].
H. J. A. Sire The Knights of Malta, New Heaven-London 1996.

by Darius von Guettner-Sporzynski